guidance and support for the sacred, profound journey of dying

I offer guidance, help and support through the sacred journey of dying.

It is a journey that we all will take, yet sadly in the West, death is often demonised, equated with losing a battle, being overcome or defeated.

But to many Indigenous and Old Cultures, death is but an ending of an embodied chapter and the transforming or metamorphosing of the soul from one form to another.

Death from this viewpoint is profound - and along with birth - is significant, and not a fearful angst inducing experience.

I help the dying through the whole process of dying - the coming to terms, making peace with internal conflicts and emotions, acting as an intermediary between this existence and the next, helping to facilitate conversations with partners, family members and friends if desired; to help surrender to the transformative event.

Dying well not only serves the dying in the ongoing journey, but has a positive effect on the bereaved knowing their loved one has died at peace.

My role may include hands on support on an ongoing basis for the whole process, or spending snippets of time sitting and talking, may be as brief or as involved as the client wants. Flexibility to suit individual needs and wishes is key.

Please contact for further details